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Linda Diehl Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Linda Diehl

Dear Sirs;
It has come to my attention you plan on taking away our right to crypto Bitcoin and it's affiliants.Im sorry but that's wrong to do.were suppose to be a free country.but if you do that to us; then it's communism.please leave your hands off these.arent you rich enough as it is ? Then please let us have something for security isn't enough to live try being poor.and living.way below.poverty.starving.high utelitys gas high rent gas water high foods you can't afford high medicines.its difficult chosing food or medicine high health plans.and cost.cant.see the Dr when you need to.cause you can't afford to pay the cost.cant afford the hospital when you need to go can't afford cancer treatments.cant feed pets hardly.this is my world I'm describing to you.put yourself in my place just one day.youll change your minds real quick.