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Leslie Higgins Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Leslie Higgins

Dear Regulators,
It is very important that ordinary investors, including those beginning with modest means. Everyone knows cryptocurrency investing has high risks, just like other investment types, but it also had the potential for immense earnings, and that should not be limited to those already rich.
But even more importantly, I am concerned that this is an effort to sabotage the cryptocurrency markets and prevent digital currencies from taking off. This is a time of high inflation (as a result of government policies). Ordinary people are looking for a store of value to keep their earnings safe, and cryptocurrencies are easier to store, and may have more upside potential than precious metals. It is very important that American workers be able to invest their wages as they see fit, so they can make their own precautions in case heavy inflation continues for an extended time or becomes hyperinflation.