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Leslie Goggans Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Leslie Goggans


I strongly oppose any restrictions to my right to invest, including inverse and leveraged funds.

I'm able to choose public investments that are right for my needs, we need less regulation on choices. America is free and EVERYONE has a right to choose not just privileged few believing their expertise is far superior than the common investor. I am able to understand and educate myself on all investing including inverse and leveraged funds, and have for that matter. A "special process" will exclude and further divide people. I use all different kinds of strategies depending on what type of returns I'm looking for based on market conditions, inverse and leveraged funds are sometimes a part of my plans. People are far more educated regarding investing than regulators think they are and giving one opportunity to one group and not another is discrimination. The government and Wall Street do this far too much.

Thank you for your fairness by not imposing restrictions on my right to invest.