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Leo Perez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Leo Perez

Dear FINRA, I am writing to you regarding your desire to regulate and put restrictions on leveraged and inverse funds. I currently use leveraged funds as part of my overall long-term investment strategy. I have done extensive research and have back-tested the performance of leveraged funds over time and with different degrees of leverage applied in my model. My personal opinion is that FINRA should not be stepping in to "protect" anybody. We are all big boys and girls and if we choose to invest in something without doing our due diligence or without understanding the risks involved I feel that to do so is a right that every United States citizen possesses. What you are doing is limiting individuals who do understand markets and know how to position their investments from doing so. Where is this going to end? Are you going to start regulating who can buy a house? Are you going to start regulating who can or cannot buy a specific automobile? The people of the United States of America do not need you looking over the shoulder of individual investors and/or their wealth managers or other advisors. Why don't you go get a real job?