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Lauren Schneider Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Lauren Schneider

I oppose restrictions on public investments to so-called "complex products" including leveraged and inverse funds. Preventing the general public from accessing these types of investments will subvert the ability of non-high-net-worth individuals from offsetting losses during periods of economic retraction as well as capitalizing during times of volatility with calculated risk-taking. Creating restrictions for the general public will result in certain products only being available to select high-net worth individuals, thereby increasing the already concerning wealth disparity in our country. This result stands in clear opposition to FINRA's own tag line "a vibrant market is at its best when it works for everyone". Free and fair markets must remain available to all. All investing comes with risk and it is the responsibility of the investor to evaluate and decide the level of risk each of us are willing to take with our hard-earned income. FINRA's efforts to "safeguard market integrity" should be directed at fraud-prevention and investigation of unfair practice, not on restricting the rights and opportunities for individual investors.