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Laura Gearhart Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I use leveraged funds as a partial strategy in my brokerage portfolio. Right now, my entire portfolio has pulled back, as a natural economic occurrence. If you artificially constrict the volume of activity that would naturally occur in any way, my chances of recovering, over the long run, are doomed. The leveraged fund that is loved by millions of traders and investors is the TQQQ. It is made up of America's best companies and, will not only come back to all time highs, but flourish because of Americans' ideals of freedom and ingenuity. If you (FINRA) start to toggle the switches, we will not take the risks that inherently push these companies, investors and startups to reach for the impossible, or maybe the probable. It is very important for you (FINRA) to remember, that I trade or invest with MY OWN HARD EARNED MONEY. This money is not yours to dictate how I invest and I will forever resent, and never forgive, your intrusion.