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Larry Tschirhart Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Larry Tschirhart

I am not in the investment industry, nor have I ever been. I have worked hard for my money all my life and believe it belongs to me, and I should be able to invest it as I see fit without some bureaucrat in DC telling me I'm too stupid to handle my own affairs.

If these public investments are so dangerous that they need to be reserved only to the "rich big shots" then NOBODY, including the rich big shots should be able to be able to buy and sell them. I think this is a move by the money interests to reserve these tools to themselves.

I use leveraged and inverse funds to help immunize my portfolio against negative moves in the general market, as well as profit from moves in my favor. I use leveraged and inverse funds to not only protect my portfolio from the market collapse in Q1 - 2020 due to Covid-19, but my portfolio actually increased in value when the market went down. Now because I'm not a "big shot" regulators want to take that ability away from me? This rule would mean only "big shots" can profit and protect themselves but not the middle class average investor.

Passing a test to invest is also a ridiculous idea. By that logic, we certainly need a test to be able to vote for President. That's much more important than how I invest my own money. If I'm smart enough to accumulate funds, I'm smart enough to invest them as I see fit. I do not need a regulator holding my hand or protecting me from myself.