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Laronia Neu Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Laronia Neu

Dear Regulators,
We, the underprivileged American public, declare and state that our lives and the lives of our heirs are not yours to play with, so BACK OFF...
How dare you insist that we the, American public, should go through any type of testing before being able to invest in any public securities. It has been proven throughout history that the ability to invest belongs to everyone, not just the few privileged elite. The dreamers, creators, believers were all once everyday people, who have had the right to invest freely. Who are you to remove that ability from the future dreamers, creators, believers.
George Soros, rose from poverty to become a famous and successful hedge fund manager; Warren Buffet, now an American business magnate, would they have become who they are today with the restrictions you dare to impose upon today's American public. I think not!
As for myself, investing is not just for my future, it's also for the future of my children and their children. My investment portfolio has improved, because I have the ability to choose what stocks I want and when I wish to buy, without the assistance of a broker. when everyone is able to freely choose how they wish to invest, their live become greater.