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Kyle Elwood Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kyle Elwood

Ladies & Gentlemen,

It is my understanding that the FINRA Regulatory Notice #22-08 is putting at risk my opportunity to invest in various methods of investing suggesting that I do not have an adequate understanding in how to do so while limiting the risk to me and my family. I and my family members, not regulators, should be able to choose the public investments that are appropriate for my investment goals. Public investments should be available to all of the public, not just select, specially privileged people or classes of has been done in the past. Individual investors, such as myself, have just recently begun to access investment mechanisms that were previously only accessible by the wealthy and privileged. Once restricted investment methods should continue to be open and open up to smaller this is often where the best investment returns reside. There should be no special processes required before I can invest in public securities, like leveraged and inverse funds, beyond what requirements already exists. I have been investing in leveraged funds for a number of years, often in excess of $1,000,000 at a time. Leveraged investing is important part of my investment strategy and I utilize this investment method to take advantage of market transitioning when it impacts the value of precious metals (gold and silver) and other commodities. I understand the potential risks as well as the benefits. Educational and training materials for each type of investment mechanism should be available but a requirement to 'pass' a testing mechanism should not be imposed upon me. I study any new investment mechanism before I commit my funds to them. There are investment mechanisms I currently avoid due to my lack of current understanding. I also invest in cryptocurrencies, standard stocks, pre-IPOs, and unlisted offerings. I am considering other investment mechanisms in the future and do not want my access to these unnecessarily and unreasonably impeded. Thank you.