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Kyle Allen Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kyle Allen

Regulation, in almost every instance of its implementation has never been what it has been sold as. It is almost never to protect investors and almost always serve the self interest of those regulating it like a Trading platform removing a buy button from specific stocks.

There are thousands of sources of information for investors to research and understand these complex inverse ETFS. The only thing complex about them is handled by the company that issues them and not the investor.

My own personal trading strategies are to limit myself to investing in 6 or less stocks at a time so I can better manage what I have and pick what I believe will have the best returns. When a market turns bearish like what is happening now the inverse ETFs like Im in allow me to take a stable short position and leave room in my portfolio for the outliers in a bear market that will actually see an increase in share price. Regulation like whats proposed will cause me to take higher risk shorts on individual companies to get the exposure I want which will achieve the complete opposite of protecting investors