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Kimberly Frigon Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kimberly Frigon

I have been investing in ETF's for the past 20 years, and I have made significant profits toward my retirement from these particular funds. Removing the ability for the retail investor to hold and trade these funds would severely unduly limit the average investor from profiting the same as the establishment and professional traders, which would be discriminatory and and unfair. We are not stupid and we do not need big brother fed with its oafish hands muddling around in our pockets and affecting our ability to make money & retire well. In a free market, I have the right to choose the investment that is right for me, unless we are becoming China. My portfolio depends on ETF's; to take my rights away in this regard basically restricts such funds to only the privileged, and it seems this will further consolidate power to Wall Street. Additionally, I should not have to now jump through hoops and pass a special test to continue to trade the funds I've traded for 20 YEARS because of the fed's misguided attempt to apparently protect me from myself! I/we are all perfectly capable of understanding the risks involved.