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Kim Rice Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kim Rice

Could someone please inform FINRA that the US is well into the throws of a total societal/financial collapse, as is most of the rest of the planet. Adding layers of burdensome regulation and limiting the public' in which publicly traded securities they may or may not use for speculation, hedging or investment purposes is equivalent to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic after it hit an iceberg.

Once upon a time the US was the land of the free and home of the brave. What happened to that country? I didn't move away [yet], the country moved away from me. I am 100 percent opposed to the proposed measures and potential limitations on our rights as free citizens to choose which public securities we buy or sell.

If you want to do something productive, that actually may help protect investors, why don't you go after the mega hedge funds, like Blackrock for example, and implement some meaningful reforms to limit their ability to manipulate markets.