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Killian Lynch Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Killian Lynch

Hello! I am relatively new in my career(just graduated with a degree in Computer Science) and finally have an income of my own to invest. I'm what you would call a self taught investor. Investing has always been my true passion. One of the great things about this time we live in is our ability to learn just about anything thanks to the internet. The individual should be able to choose their investments. This isn't something that should be held to those deemed 'worthy'. I have poured in tons of research into financial knowledge and investing because it's something I enjoy to do. For a regulator to come along and tell me or anyone else that they need to prove they are 'worthy of understanding' is unacceptable. I am repeating myself here, but there is more knowledge on any individual topic than could be consumed in a lifetime and available to anyone because of the internet. With something such as investing, there is more than a lifetime's worth of books and knowledge on the topic to consume and master a craft. Leveraged index funds are something that I use in my portfolio. Although they are a tiny fraction(around 10%) they give me the ability to take a very aggressive approach with a small amount of money. As I mentioned earlier, I am just starting off in my career which gives me the freedom of time to take some riskier investment strategies. Although they are a small percentage of my overall portfolio, they still give me the ability to invest in a way that I would argue is overall less risky than if they aren't available to the general public. They(my leveraged investments), at such a small fraction, give me the ability to take a very aggressive strategy with a small amount of percentage and keep the other 90% in a traditional strategy. Without something like leveraged funds I would have to invest more in other 'higher risk' (unleveraged) funds with more allocated to the 'higher risk' (unleveraged) funds in order to get something of similar returns. Because of this, leveraged funds are incredibly important to my portfolio strategy. I should be able to choose which public investments (leveraged or not) that I want. Public investments should be available to EVERYONE, not just those who are deemed 'worthy'.