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Kierre Reeg Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kierre Reeg

Regulations on financial products have already stifled innovation in the financial space and this is why the whole digital asset realm was born. the governments of the world have been tightening the grip on the citizens more and more and it needs to stop.

Public investments need to be made available to all EQUALLY, while you assume you are helping you are in-fact working to create classes of financial citizens becuase you ASSUME you know best, you don't. You are fallible humans just like the rest of us.

WE the people ARE SMART, WE the people can decide which investments ON OUR OWN, all we need is transparency, WE DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT PROTECTION, we do NOT WANT MORE REGULATION.

Leveraged funds are important to to whole investment strategy and once again the government MOVES THE GOALPOSTS .

Will the wealthy be stopped from making these investments?

Im sure they will not be and ergo the wealth gap will continue to widen. STOP creating a nanny state instead focus on streamlining all the outdated modalities and regulations you have already, you need to find ways to SIMPLIFY THINGS not ways to make them MORE COMPLEX.

But hey you are the government so I guess you ultimately don't care and you will do whatever some moron lobbyists want, so yeah just shut more things down and stifle things more, and you all wonder why things are the way they are, its because the government OVER TAXES and OVER REGULATES and generally gets in the way of the people.

LEAVE US ALONE -- reduce regulations, streamline your current operations, make it EASIER FOR SMALL players to compete, you are protecting no one expect the gilded class, so if you want the hunger games, continue to act as you do.