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Khush Amin Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Khush Amin

Please do NOT regulate "complex products". I am a junior enlisted soldier whose income is comparable to the average minimum wage worker. I do not have a bachelor's degree let alone the knowledge of a niche finance professional. HOWEVER, it is my responsibility to understand what I am choosing to invest my earnings on. I, and other retail investors understand the risks of investment, and do not invest money that we cannot afford to lose. I invest a portion of my portfolio into ETFs that offer 3x leverage to market indices. This allows me to access greater exposure to market indices without having to use leverage (derivatives/debt) myself. I understand that this exposure is riskier, but my investment can only go to zero. This is far safer than other strategies that uneducated retail investors can just as easily practice (such as trading options on margin). Increased regulation leads to people not learning from the consequences of their decisions. It would not cultivate an environment in which people take responsibility for their own actions. Self-directed investors do not need to be patronized with these measures applied to "complex products". Very Respectfully, Khush Amin