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Kevin Rush Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


The stock markets built its foundation on that everyone can participate if they have the funds and will to do so, it is experience that makes the difference for every investors and their decisions. Leveraged and inverse ETFs have an essential role in the stock market and in financial investment strategies that are necessary in order to protect my portfolio or hedge some of my investments. Regulators should not have the decision who in the public can or cannot purchase public securities, that is why they are known as 'public' securities and not 'private' ones. Investors, on their own, should be capable of understanding how to properly invest in ETFs, and the possible losses, depending on their personal use-case. Restrictions, exactly like this one, in the United States is what continues to stop new investors from buying in the market, and limitations that include demonstrating high net worth keeps the investors who already have the top position, in their position. Thank you if you read this comment.