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Kevin Pomazal Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kevin Pomazal

Please leave leveraged funds alone and please don't require retail investor to jump through hoops in order to invest in leverage funds.

Those of us who invest in leverage funds understand the risks; in fact, it's why we sought them out in the first place. We are seeking higher risk in exchange for higher returns. It's really that simple. Leverage funds are really not that complex on the front-end because they trade like any other ETF, and I like the fact that the fund I invest in has an intra-day indicative value so I can always check that before making a trade. I really don't see a need for more regulation here. Prospectus explained the unique risks and how the fund actually achieves its leverage on the back-end.

I also like how I'm able to achieve leverage without having to deal with the hassle and added expense of actually obtaining a margin loan, and the interest rate I pay is effectively the fund's expense ratio, which is a great bargain compared to some margin loan rates that I've seen.

Please leave leverage ETF's alone. They are an integral component of my investing strategy, not some dangerous product that I need to be shielded from. Thank you for reading.