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Kevin McGowan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kevin McGowan


Individual investors should have access to all public investment vehicles without regulators dictating which are appropriate/inappropriate. Rather, regulations should focus on transparency and full disclosure of the strategies employed by fund managers and most of these regulations already exist. Rather than rely on regulatory intervention, individual investors should accept responsibility for their own failures to educate themselves on risks and conduct due diligence prior to investing.

As for myself, I am capable of determining the risks of trading strategies that employ derivatives, leverage, and inverse methodologies based on the information disclosed by the funds. I understand that I alone bear the risks and am responsible for the consequences of my investment decisions; however, many of the funs that employ advanced strategies are important to my overall investment portfolio and allow me to hedge various risks (eg. credit, market, or specific risk) and seek enhanced returns.

Before complicating the regulatory landscape with more restrictions on individual investors, please consider reviewing and enforcing existing regulations, providing opportunities to educate less experienced investors, and holding all individuals responsible for their own investment decisions (good or bad). At the end of the day, I don't want or need regulators protecting me from myself and I'm sure regulators don't need the additional headache of dealing with additional regulations and requirements. Y'all have your hands full as it is....