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Kevin Hinson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kevin Hinson

I strongly oppose restrictions and limitations on inverse and leveraged investment products.

Too many of the tools available to protect, preserve and increase a lifetime of savings are restricted to professionals and the wealthy. I have spent a lifetime working hard to save, and I should have the power to invest as I see fit. Special processes and tests are simply gates to further limit access to these important tools. I don't need the government to protect me from myself, I need tools to hedge my investments and protect my family from the endless distortions, excess leverage, and misallocations driven by government policy. If you limit my access to inverse and leveraged funds that charge reasonable fees and have economies of scale, I'm forced to buy individual options on equities and indices which are far more complicated to use responsibly and cost effectively.

Please don't take another tool away from non-wealthy investors.