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Kevin G Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kevin G

Leveraged and inverse funds are important to my investment strategies. I will literally quit investing without them.

In terms of the risks, many of them are based on broad based indices, i.e. SP500 or DOW. As such, these funds are diversified with just a higher volatility. I understand the risk. In market, many other types of risks such as bankrupt risk, fraud accounting risk, etc is non-exist for leveraged and inverse funds. The biggest risk for these funds are just macro economic risks or regulatory risks.

In other words, YOU, the FINRA is imposing risks to retail investors. As such, I really have a hard time to understand the true motive here. By limiting these investment opportunities, is the FINRA truly protecting the interest of normal investors or are you protecting the interest of the wealthy, because if this regulation passes, only the rich will have another "REGULATED" investment opportunity that normal people don't have. I don't need FINRA to ruin my portfolio.