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Kevin Arbogast Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kevin Arbogast

I have previously submitted my thoughts but want to take a minute to reiterate them. Leveraged and inverse funds play a very important role in my personal investments along with our corporate investment strategy for clients. When used by professionals, for clients who understand them, they are very useful tools for actually reducing risk and enhancing returns. This should be left to the free markets where all parties should have the ability and freedom to invest in what they they choose without any additional oversight or limits. Making potential investors answers questions or take an exam to use certain investment vehicles will inevitably leave people behind. This would unfairly and unjustly all some to win and others to lose. The intention is good but the result, I'm afraid, will have an adverse effect. I see this as widening the gap instead of closing it. Information is more widely available today than ever before. Therefore not all investors need a professional to work with. They can become their own masters if they choose to put in the time and effort. I really urge you to consider keeping an even and level playing field for all. One of the great things that has made our financial markets so resilient is the freedom to invest, pursue returns, and take risks. Please consider the implications of this proposed Rule in depth and understand the precedent that would be set by going backwards.