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Kent Niedzielski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kent Niedzielski

A move to block the public from investing in leveraged and inverse investments comes across as yet another disturbing example of moves to give the financial elite greater opportunities than the average person. Rather than making the excuse that you are trying to protect the public from themselves, it gives the financial elite who would continue to have access to these sorts of investments greater ability to take advantage of the public with respect to market moves.

We can take care of ourselves. Many of us have managed to survive for decades without being taken care of financially by regulators.

Inverse funds in particular provide me with vital hedging options in times where few other investments are providing a positive return. Removing my ability to have access to them, or making it so difficult to have access as to practically make them out of my reach condemns me to periods of major downdrafts in my retirement funds during a time frame where I am not likely able to recover from prior to retirement. The outcome thus condemning me to work to an age that I can't reliably trust that my health will allow me to do.