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Kenneth Shull Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kenneth Shull

To whom it may concern,

Please do not limit my investment options. I understand the risks involved with purchasing a leveraged fund. I understand the goals of such funds are to track the return of some underlying asset at a specific multiple. Furthermore, I understand the depreciation of such funds that occurs during periods of market volatility. I am thankful that these types of funds exist. Before I began trading options, leveraged funds were my only window to inverse positions. These funds are wonderful tools to use as a hedge during a market downturn. One can maintain a bullish position and hedge that position with a leveraged fund. They can also greatly enhance one's return during extended bull market periods. During 2021, the return on TQQQ exceeded that of QQQ by 55%. Why should that type of return be limited to the elite or ultrarich? We have a society that allows for many choices. We legalize gambling, drugs, and cryptocurrencies that are not backed by any physical assets. Leveraged funds are far less dangerous than such things. Please do not limit my access to such tools.