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Kenneth Edlund Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kenneth Edlund

I, the investor, and not you, the regulators, should be the one to choose the public investments that are right for me.
This is a matter of basic principle, and therefore of first importance: PUBLIC investments should be available to ALL the public, not just the privileged, who are already more than privileged enough.

What you propose is part of an insulting trend: the "Nanny State" deciding it knows best and should protect us stupid rubes from ourselves. This has no place in what one hopes is still a free country.

As a corollary, an average investor should not
have to go through some special process (e.g.
passing a test) before he is allowed to invest in public securities, including leveraged and inverse funds. If I wasn't capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds
and their risks, I wouldn't have bought them in the first place. I definitely do not need or want these measures imposed on me!