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Kenneth Bisson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


I am writing to share my reasons for opposing any FINRA measures that would limit my ability to invest and trade in exchange-traded funds deemed by regulators to be "complex". Limiting members of the public from investing in funds deemed by Regulators to be "complex" is contrary to the most fundamental bedrock of the US Constitution - Government must treat all citizens equally. I believe every investor must be responsible for themselves in choosing the best investment vehicles for their own savings. Markets require participants with differing values and every voluntary exchange may produce winners and losers. Regulatory efforts to "protect" investors from poor choices that some may make does more harm than good. Capital should be allowed to flow to the best uses found and those who invest their capital poorly should lose it to those who will use it more productively. The FINRA proposed measures to restrict who can and cannot invest in certain funds creates a select "permitted" class of investors. The proposed measures would give only those meeting rather arbitrary criteria access to certain exchange-traded funds. I can think of nothing more damaging to smaller investors, who today can mirror portfolios of the best investors. Denying any investor, by regulation, access to any exchange-traded fund is discriminatory. I find even the idea to be quite reprehensible. Please strive to reach the conclusion that all US citizens should be treated equally in regard to purchasing all exchange-traded funds. Please condemn those among you who wish to wield power, not granted by our Constitution, to pick and choose which investors will be "more equal" than others. CC: Senator Todd Young, Senator Mike Braun, Congressman Jim Banks