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Kenneith Lacy Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Kenneith Lacy

I am an individual retired investor. I have been using inverse and leveraged ETFs and ETNs with very favorable results for several years and do not think that the proposed restrictions are necessary nor advisable.

I have found them very useful and profitable to use and understand the complications and dangers well I think. They are not that complicated to understand.

Possibly for unusual things like ETNs, a short questionnaire that is filled out and provided to a broker would be sufficient It could highlight the characteristics, complications, dangers, etc. I personally think that this would only be needed for ETNs, etc. but not ETFs.

I am presently using hedged and inverse ETFs to hedge very successfully. Several friends I communicate with are doing the same. People are generally not as dumb as regulators tend to think they are.