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Keith Fung Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Keith Fung

Please do not restrict public purchase access to Defined Outcome ETFs, ETNs, ELNs, Market-Linked CDs, Structured Notes, Principal Protected Notes, Derivatives hedging ETFs, Opportunistic/Tactical Multi-Strategy ETFs--all of which serve to REDUCE portfolio risk. Restricting access stifles liquidity, thereby increasing volatility creating even more risk to market function and more risk to investors! Restricting public access to ETFs trading in assets such as commodities, currencies, real estate, crypto, etc.. merely reduces liquidity for these asset classes again creating more volatility and increasing risk to both market function and to investors. Restricting public access to BDCs can restrict the small/mid cap universe of companies from access to capital investment--the lifeblood of business. Regulation can have the unintended consequence of reducing liquidity, thereby jeopardizing market function and endangering investors.
Please do not restrict my right to invest.