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Keenan Johnson Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Keenan Johnson

I am disagreeing with the concern and motion put forward to regulate ETF products with leverage and inverse properties. As an investor, I am capable of making an informed decision in regards to the risk I am willing to take on with my investments and therefore do not agree with the proposal to restrict these financial products to those with FINRA authorization or special knowledge. If there is an assumption that these things require specialized knowledge and are restricted to a private setting, then I am not being given the full American authority to pursue my goals with risk. Obviously, inverse stocks are a solid hedge against market downturn and enable the average consumer to protect themselves in the event of economic downturn or regulation that does not favor the market. Leverage allows one to take on risk in favor of an understanding of market movements. These are all products with a ton of public knowledge and resources to understand on their own and there should not be a forced requirement of understanding if we are to remain free investors.