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Keenan Bone Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Keenan Bone

I took the the Financial Program and it did not help. The broker intercedes and advises on all vehicles I trade.
For years I have timed and learned the markets.
It only comes from experience in testing and not some education program. It is trying different vehicles then testing for knowing how they work

Regulations do not protect the beginner and what test can any one come up with to compete with trying and learning.
People with little money need to learn through trial and error.

The internet has provided the small investor all the tools and information and knowledge for all vehicles to trade or invest. The internet reveals all problems with leveraged vehicles.

People starting out have little money and don't need government to impede their know how in what to trade.
I don't need the broker or education knowledge to trade.
I use leveraged vehicles with no problems in timing them.
