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Karol Kopacz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Karol Kopacz

I am an individual retail investor and my family relies on proceeds from my investment activities for consistent monthly income. We are now fully retired.

We frequently rely on inverse and leveraged trading vehicles (ETF's), in limited appropriate amounts, to help meet monthly income targets. These short-term tools are absolutely critical to our monthly returns, as well as for our long term retirement goals.

I believe it would be very detrimental to my families way of life if we were no longer able to use these types of ETF's. Please allow individual retail investors to continue to use them.

We also use these types of investments to hedge portfolio risks and short-term market effects, for example rising interest rates and market down-cycles. They are useful to us to compensate for fluctuations on our long positions.

I believe that individual investors are certainly capable of learning how to use these types of securities in responsible ways, resulting in more balanced, consistent investment returns over time.

Based on my own experience, I don't believe that these types of investments should be restricted from the general publics use. If we were to no longer be able to use them, this would cause me and my family significant financial harm, both short-term and long-term..

Thank You.