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Karen Carawan Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Karen Carawan

The United States was founded on freedom and that is what continues to make us the best country in the world - the country that everyone else in the world wants to be a part of! With freedom comes responsibility. Responsibility for its citizens to make their own choices about what they do for a living, what they eat, how they invest. Do we make bad choices? yes, sometimes! But we also make good ones! that's what the American Dream is all about. Therefore, there should not be restrictions on my rights to invest - to do so is killing our country and the opportunities of its citizens. If i make a bad financial decision - that's on me. No one is stopping me now from overcharging my credit cards - why the need to regulate my investments? Unless regulators have another agenda and that's to suppress any success for the average person. No freedom or opportunities, immigrants wont want to come here anymore and we will cease as being a superpower of the world. We will fall to the bottom of the list. I would hope that you - our regulators - are still Americans at heart and would not like to see our country and its freedoms eroded. It wont be just me suffering - it will be you and your families as well.