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JY Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08


As an EDUCATED retail investor, I feel the current systems in place are a bit TOO RELAXED for retail investors/traders to access complex products. But an outright ban is also very, VERY WRONG. We may need to raise the barriers somewhat by requiring education AND a simplified form of registration (certifying they understand the risks and perhaps a small registration fee to make the point stick) from the investor/trader to allow trading of complex financial products, but certainly NOT A BAN. EDUCATED traders like myself know that complex products are for TRADING, not for INVESTING. And it's my opinion that most people who claim they lost money on complex products because they were misled are lying, because they were chasing greed and using the victim card to try to assign blame or recoup their losses. Victim card is common across the retail trading community. If you can't tolerate a loss, please do not invest/trade, and certainly do not use complex financial products. The crypto, Gamestop, retail speculative ape nonsense is driving a wave of ignorant gambling amongst the masses, which certainly needs to be reigned in. But to completely ban complex products for EDUCATED investors and traders is wrong, because you're depriving EDUCATED traders/investors opportunities.