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Justin Yackoski Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Justin Yackoski

Rather than imposing arbitrary restrictions or adding more silly click-thrus, how about a focus on making education and training available, giving retail investors and traders the SAME information that institutional investors see. Perhaps the reason retail traders lost money on some of these things is because institutional investors have an artificial advantage created by current rules, and not anything else. There should be a focus on leveling the playing field if you want to focus on anything. Maybe there should just be one question "Are you someone who the SEC's rules have given an artificial advantage?" If you say yes, then you can trade whatever you want. How about require brokers to show on a user's default page what the current forecasts are, or what the option flows are? Or if it is so hard to pick things without being an expert, require brokers to have some model allocations or portfolios readily available without a fee and have brokers compete on whose model portfolios do better?