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Justin Tyner Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Justin Tyner

America stands for "Freedom." These regulations are unjust to your average blue color worker.
Most of us are full time employee workers don't have access to 401k's or Pensions. Companies these days simply don't offer them like the used to. Instead we get the one and only option of utilizing the IRA for retirement.
- 401k's have a yearly contribution rate of $20,500.00, plus other added benefits such as employee matching
- IRA's have a yearly contribution rate of only $6,000.00

What does this mean? Well, people at companies that offer 401k's can invest 300% more per year on their retirement, while the rest of us are capped at investing 30% of what 401k accounts can stash away for retirement per year!

Your rules and regulations are already staked against us, and now you are want to partition a larger section of the public from having access to financial investments, and your doing it in the USA, land of the free?

What is happening? The wealthy are going to get another hall pass to generate more wealth via being the only ones with access to these markets, and well the rest of us are barred from entry simply because we are too poor to qualify for access!

Let me ask you a question... Is the S&P a good investment? Of course it is! Warren Buffet suggests this index, and it returns on average 10% a year!
So why would you encroach on my ability to invest in the S&P at 3x leverage via the index fund TQQQ, which on average returns 30% a year? If the S&P index fund is good enough for me to invest in, so should the S&P 3x.This is a solid investment.

At 33 years old with a BA in Business, it appears most likely that I will never be ever to afford a house, the crown jewel of building wealth. By the time you save enough money for a down, home values have already gone up another 30% and your down is not enough, so another year goes by with you saving more, and bam! Homes have gone up another 20% and interest rates rose, so now you need even more money down again! And the cycle repeats!

Stop infringing on the public access to financial markets. It has become our last hope for financial freedom. We know we are taking a risk, and accept it. We have nothing to loose anymore, and everything to gain!

Without access, we already know the future holds. We will be working forever to pay for our yearly rent hikes ($2,400 a month in my area), thus never able to save money, never retiring, and never owning a home/apartment to build equity.

These markets are for everyone, not just the wealthy.