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Justin Henrich Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Justin Henrich

I do not think that their should be any restrictions on people being able to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. They can be a good hedge and a good way for people to make money in the markets. This is a free country and people should be allowed to invest in all of the different opportunities that are out there. It is bad enough that only the ultra wealthy (accredited investors) are allowed to invest in higher return investments like many real estate funds, crypto yield investing, etc. Lets not take more investing options away from the lower and middle class. Lets give everyone a fair opportunity to make money, save for retirement, and achieve the American dream through different investment types including leveraged and inverse funds. Restricting investments like this is only going to continue to create a big wealth gap in America (which is what I thought the Government and regulators don't want). So lets keep everything fair and not treat people differently based on the amount of money they make/have.