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Justin Barnes Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Justin Barnes

Please do not impose new restrictions on trading leveraged funds that will effect our ability to continue trading the way we are now. For many people like myself and my family, leveraged funds are a very important part of our investment strategy. We do not feel that it is right to be restricted from trading them simply because we do not have a license, passed a test, or have a particular net worth. We have been trading for years and feel that it is unfair and not right to try and limit us now. To stop us from trading leveraged funds would impact our familys financial future. We should be free to invest our money in what ever funds we would like. After all, it is our money and should we make a bad investment choice, then that would be on us. But to take away our choice to do so is simply unfair and not right. Thank you for hearing from the people that this is really going to effect like my family and I. We need to be able to continue to trade like we have been.