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Juli Cantor Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Juli Cantor

I am very upset to learn of this proposal. Such ETF's give me a compact way to invest in a group of securities vs. individually, as PART of my portfolio, however I do BOTH, also buy individual securities. I'm very capable capable of understanding leveraged and inverse funds and their risks and do not need or want to have too pass some test to prove it that is so insulting and invasive! I don't see what it would help anyway, all self-managed investing is "at your own risk." Taking away this opportunity would just take away an important investing tool or make it so much more difficult to access fewer would use it, and leveraged and inverse ETF's would become much more limited in use and hence less useful to everyone. The proposal is ridiculous! We're seeing ridiculous government overreach all over, like proposing to tax UNrealized gains - forcing everyone to sell on every tiny increase so no one would hold, businesses would be in constant crisis and shortage - Big Brother government would hurt everyone, help no one.