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Judith Bowman Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Judith Bowman

The pubic restricted from investing in public securities is a America was never supposed to be the over-regulated, freedom restricted, over taxed, rights infringing nation it is increasingly headed towards. Placing restriction on our general public and bestowing more privilege to the wealthy defeats the purpose of a free and public market and direct investment. Just the consideration of such restrictions insults our intelligence, and is in direct violation of our rights as citizens. Perhaps regulatory agencies could try enforcing existing laws on hedge funds and institutions that have made billions by violation, using market manipulation, trading in dark pools and borrowed naked shares. In other words put the "free market" back in place as it was originally intended. Our own personal financial risk if just that: our own. Wealthy Institutions get bailed out, we don't, thereby even more so falls into the violation of our rights. There's more than enough "protection" by restriction and regulation already, we're onto the ways and schemes committees. Our overreaching government needs to remember that only elected officials or a public vote can create or impose regulation or "restrictions" in the form of legislation. Executive and legislative officials need to be more aware of major changes that need to be made within our entire system. We the people have the right to invest as we choose, elect whomever we choose, and alter or abolish any regulatory system if it does not address the concerns or meet the needs of the public majority.