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Juan Arjona Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Juan Arjona


I have become aware of the unnecessary regulations planned for restricting my access to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I have been trading inverse and leveraged ETFs for the last four years without any issues. Adding restrictions will stop me from trading and investing in ETFs as well as many other investors that can profit from changes in the market trends.

ETFs and other instruments are already subject to proper reporting and controls that make them reliable and the risks are quite clear for any investor that wants to use them. I don't think it is needed to protect investors like if they were small children where the instruments available have already a high level of supervision and controls.

On the other hand, adding more regulations and restrictions just adds to the cost of investing for brokers that is passed to the investors. Indirectly, all these restrictions will add to the cost of investing in a market that is supposed to be accessible and transparent.