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Joshua Clark Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joshua Clark

In regards to restricting people's ability to invest in leveraged and inverse funds. I will chose to believe that this is a well intentioned regulation to prevent people who may not know what they are doing from losing big in a down turn. But this also disallows poor people and those who may be just starting out, the potential for higher returns on their investments. This would take away my ability personally to invest in these funds even though I understand them well and have personally benefited greatly from investing in leveraged/inverse funds. I don't have a lot of money to invest because I am just getting out of college and have only been saving and investing for a few years. Access to leveraged and inverse funds is great for me during these early years because I can take more risks due to not having a lot of responsibilities yet and because I am still working and earning money. What the government should be focusing on is retracting the ridiculously complicated taxes on capital gains that only serve to dissuade young people from saving and investing out of fear of getting caught off guard by something like the Wash Sale Rule.