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Joshua Boghs Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joshua Boghs

It is MY RIGHT as an American Citizen to chose what I invest in on what my needs and what I can afford to invest to hopefully have something to leave my Children when I'm dead and gone! Instead you Democrats are breaking laws everyday! Putting [REDACTED] ideas in American Peoples minds! Every one that is involved in this mess needs and should step down immediately before that chance is thrown out the window and hopefully some of you who HATE AMERICA/TRUMP SUPPORTERS/RACISTS/ RADICALS. LOL the dems are the Laughing stock of the world. The United States Goverent better start worrying about World War Three that has begun 3 mos ago instead of worrying what Americans choose to invest thier hard earned money into! How Dare you try 2 control the People of the United States of America!