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Joshua Bayley Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joshua Bayley

INDIVIDUALS not regulators have the right to choose what we invest in! The investment market is already too restricted by limiting certain investment types to "high net worth individuals" and "accredited investors" which DISCRIMINATES against average people who want to invest. You're not allowed to make money unless you already have money! It is not the job of regulators, especially FINRA, to protect investors from ourselves. The job of regulators is to stop CORRUPTION, stop discriminating against normal investors and do your actual job. Leveraged and inverse products are not complex or too risky for the average investor, normal people are perfectly capable of understanding these products without the undo burden of additional regulations, tests, or special processes created by bureaucrats who think it's their job to protect investors from our selves. It's a FREE MARKET, stop intruding on the rights of investors!