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Joshua Barnes Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joshua Barnes

Dear FINRA, My name is Joshua Barnes, I live in Midland Texas with my wife & daughter. Im a part time retail trader, currently working full time in the energy field, with hopes of self retirement within 15 years. Part of my retirement plan consists of trading all kinds of revenue vehicles, i.e., common stocks, ETFs, stock options, leveraged ETF/ETN, etc. For what its worth, I do recognize the need for FINRAs legal/administrative involvement in retail trading. However, I do believe the average retail trader is capable of making wise, educated decisions on his/her personal portfolio; even if their choice is to wisely position size or hedge current holdings using leveraged funds, and/or leveraged options. I personally use triple leveraged funds in most of my core strategies. Im writing this comment to hopefully discourage FINRA from adding additional, overbearing regulations to many of the widely used revenue sources, that tens of thousands of retail traders (like myself) use on a daily basis to help us achieve our future financial goals. Thank you for taking the time to read my comment!