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Joseph Vesalga Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joseph Vesalga


I am not really clear why FINRA is involved with leveraged or inverse ETF's / funds.

Every investor signs an agreement with each and every broker (account) that they have in that they have the insight or knowledge of the stock market to make these decisions (as well as option trading) on their own without regulation.

In my mind this does "NOT" need to be regulated. Short answer is what is wrong with you?... Each and every investor has the right to invest as they see fit for their investment strategies. I can certainly pass any test you have, but I should not need to.

I am using leveraged funds right now and I suspect you know it. If this is your way of telling investors that the stock market is getting ready to crash due to J Powell's approach to inflation which will inevitably bring on a recession I would love to hear your thoughts, and additionally I would take this as a heads up to what the US will be seeing in the next 6+ months. I would appreciate hearing from you. Again is the market getting ready to crash?

If so thanks for the heads up. Please let me know.