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Joseph Teti Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joseph Teti

As a registered representative, financial advisor and personal investor I would sincerely hope that I am never prohibited from using these funds in the future. If you want to ad investor education and or disclosures, so be it. But please do NOT reduce the availability of such products. As a rule of thumb, my firm does not permit the solicitation of these vehicles in my position. As for my own account, I love the idea using these vehicle so to reduce risk. If I want to have $90k of exposure the tech index, I can take $30k and purchase TQQQ. I now have $60k left over to keep on the sideline for emergency liquidity needs without disrupting my exposure and/or to utilize for dollar cost averaging in the future should the markets suffer extreme short term declines. It would be criminal to take that strategy away from those who use the strategies wisely and responsibly.