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Joseph Phoenix Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Joseph Phoenix

Joseph H. Phoenix [REDACTED] May 3, 2022 Re:Comments FINRA Notice March 8, 2022 Dear Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA): It is my understanding that FINRA has proposed regulations in its notice dated March 8, 2022 that will make it less easy to buy and sell leveraged and inverse electronically traded funds. I trade with major brokerage houses. I buy and sell leveraged and inverse electronically traded funds and have successfully done so for over twelve (12) years. I am against the proposed restrictions on leveraged and inverse electronically traded funds for the following reasons. 1.)I appreciate the right to trade leveraged and inverse funds. I need to trade these funds to achieve my financial objectives. 2.)I understand how these funds function and do not wish to be subjected to any evaluation by any broker to assess my understanding of same that may result in the restriction or prevention of my right to trade these funds. 3.)I believe Americans should have the freedom to choose how to invest their money without undo oversight by regulatory agencies including the SEC and FINRA. Any limitation on these freedoms including those proposed in FINRAs March 8, 2022 notice pertaining to leveraged and inverse electronically traded funds is unwarranted and unwanted. Thank you for considering my views on this important matter. Sincerely, Joseph H. Phoenix