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Jose Reyes Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jose Reyes

My name is Jose Reyes, an investor in index ETFs and also in leveraged ETFs such as UPRO and TQQQ. I strongly believe that no one has my best interest in mind than myself. That's the reason why, although I have a retirement plan, I also decided to manage my own personal portfolio and for the most part I invest in index ETFs that track the S&P and the NASDAQ. Those include leveraged ETFs as they provide a way to amplify earnings and catch up and even "beat" the market by using the market itself. There is risk in any investments and leveraged ETFs are not the exception. But restricting access is not the way as these are great instruments and the fact that they are tied to broadly followed indexes like the S&P make us investors a lot more certainty how they might behave. I strongly urge you to let people choose the investments they believe suit their risk apetite. Definitely a disclaimer is a reasonable measure especially for those who are new to this type of investment but not putting access restrictions or limiting it to certain individuals light high net worth people, as it is not fair for smaller investors that might have a great strategy and are building their portfolio and are counting with these great tools. Thanks!