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Jorge Fernandez Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

jorge fernandez

I have traded stocks for over 35 years and one of the most important rights we have as investors is the ability to make our own decisions on what specific investment vehicles we choose to buy and sell. Regulators should not limit this ability for individuals and should instead focus on finding those individuals or corporations abusing the system. Anyone that is investing should do their own due diligence and determine the risk they are willing to take. I have made money and lost money while investing but I do not want someone telling me what I should or should not be investing in. Leverage and Inverse funds are important to my trading strategy because I can focus on a specific area of the market for both upside and downside gains. They also play an important role for hedging purposes. In the end all of us that trade want the ability and have the right to make our own decisions with the money that we have earned.