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Jordan Burbage Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jordan Burbage

I am writing to express my opposition to regulations that would hinder my investment in public securities, such as leveraged and inverse funds. Leveraged and inverse funds have been important to my investment strategy in the past as both a protective hedge and for periodically seeking enhanced returns. I have educated myself on the risks involved with said securities. I know how to use them.

Leveraged and inverse funds are an important part of my plan for providing for my family generationally. Do not get in the way of providing for my family with your regulatory overreach.

Requiring a test and/or proving my affluence are no less than roundabout way of discriminating against young, up-and-coming investors. Investors should have the freedom to invest in funds of their discretion as they see fit. Investors should not have to go through onerous regulatory hoops for the opportunity to build wealth in American and global stock markets. Public investments should be just that public not a country club only the privileged and affluent may enter.