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Jonathan Schmidt-Swartz Comment On Regulatory Notice 22-08

Jonathan Schmidt-Swartz

Most people completely understand all the risks inherent in leveraged and inverse funds. Brokerages provide notices for people who do not understand them as a warning (which should be enough!) and it should be an investors responsibility to know what they are investing into. I hold a PhD and know the risks inherent in these types of investments and I think the proposed rule is unnecessary and makes investing more exclusive then it already is. I use these tools to trade in ways that allows me to hedge my portfolio. I prefer leverage over a margin loan and know that I am at an age where I can take risks and understand the pitfalls of these complex trading tools. I believe it would not benefit anyone to make leverage and inverse funds more exclusive. These tools are easy to understand. Should you block people from investing in crypto because its volatile? Penny stocks? Options? Let investors choose their own investments.